Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friends who don't think

So, I'm in high school, and of corse I have my big time crush that I have liked for three years now. (We will call him Bobbie) I know. I am a dork, I can admit it. And then I have my close friend (We will call her Steffie). Now Steffie has a boyfriend, who she majorly likes. They are perfect for eachother. And Bobbie... He's my EX-Boyfriend. And we are about to start dating again. He likes me, we have had two dates this past month. It is really good. But my friend, Steffie, can't leave it alone! I can talk to him without being a major freak and she MAKES me become a major freak. You know how your friend, AFTER THE CRUSH LEAVES, teases you about him? Remember how they do that AFTER they leave? Not Steffie. Nope. She does it with them right there. When they can hear her. Clearly. Something else that bothers me about Steffie, is that she flirts with Bobbie. I think shes a natural flirt. (I am not a natural flirt.) And today she attacked him with a hug... I was not happy about that. What friend does this to another friend?? What can I do to make her stop?! I have talked to her telling her she has to stop making it obvious that we lie eachother! But she only uses a penny of her brain, and only half the time. Can someone give me advice?

And by the way, I be posting more stuff - If anyone cares... And if anyone ever reads this. Thank you!

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